Maze of cordiality
Group exhibition at Essence 19 - Die Angewandte, Nov 2018

Maze of Cordiality
Installation: ‘Maze of Cordiality’ Sculptures and text, Various dimensions, Over all dimensions 200 X 300 cm, wood, Nov. 2018
“Your encounter with ‘Maze of Cordiality’ may or may not be cordial. If you dare to enter, uncomfortable sounds, sudden interruptions, unpleasant movements and embarrassment may appear. Or something may or may not happen.”
The sculptures are made of material found in containers. An unknown story between former owners and their material is revealed through small signs in the wood objects. With my cuts I make my own connection.
The viewers interaction with the piece results in falling sticks and a constantly changing art-piece. I wish to create an uncertain environment in the exhibition-space. The noises from the falling poles create an unconfutable focus on the viewer, which can evoke different reactions between people in the space.
The text carved in some of the wood-pieces, is a way of seducing the viewer while the words and sentences can broaden the emotional experience of the piece.